Nutrition & Anatomical

USDA MyPlate model includes 1/2 fruits and vegetables, 1/4 lean protein, and 1/4 whole grains. It’s an icon that makes it easy for parents and kids to understand good nutrition – but it doesn’t help as much when some of...
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Salt Poster


It's estimated that nearly 75% of sodium intake comes from eating processed foods. Discover other sources of sodium in our foods, alternative names for salt, and ideas to reduce your sodium intake with the Salt Poster. 11" x 17" Laminated
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Spanish translation The Sugar Shockers® Foods Spanish Handouts feature an eye-opening look into surprisingly sugary foods. From frozen waffles and sugary cereals to macaroni and cheese and fruit-flavored yogurt, foods on these nutrition education handouts are shown photographed side by...
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Ever wonder how much sugar is contained in your favorite foods? The Periodic Table of Sugar compares a multitude of favorite food items in an ingenious periodic table format. This poster covers a wide array of foods and shows their...
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Check out the wide variety of common to unusual and exotic vegetables featured in the Periodic Table of Vegetables Poster. Vegetables are arranged in order by calories per servings, from lowest to highest, in a clever “periodic table” format. Each...
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As generations grow older, their nutrition needs change. The MyPlate for Older Adults Handouts feature a unique icon that provides food, fluid, and physical activity guidance that correspond with USDA's 2010 Dietary Guidelines for aging populations. 8 ½” x 11”,...
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MyPlate is the USDA food symbol that replaced the food guide pyramid that teachers and nutritionists are using to promote healthy eating. Our USDA MyPlate Tablet of handouts or worksheets has been a hit with kids and parents. The simplicity...
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The Sugar Shockers® Foods Poster is an eye-opening look into surprisingly sugary foods. From frozen waffles and sugary cereals to macaroni and cheese and fruit-flavored yogurt, foods are shown photographed side by side with their equivalent number of sugar cubes...
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A wide variety of common and unusual fruits are featured in the Periodic Table of Fruit Poster. Fruits are arranged in order by calories per servings, from lowest to highest, in a clever “periodic table” format. Each square contains a...
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Promote the best food choices to help keep older adults’ bodies healthy and strong from head to toe! The Older Adult Healthy Eating From Head to Toe Poster groups healthy and nutritious food choices and significant nutrients by the parts...
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With obesity a national health concern, this handout offers a quick look at healthy portions. With simple visual images, this 2-sided handout illustrates clearly what portion distortion is and the difference between recommended portion sizes and what more likely appears...
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This set of two posters colorfully demonstrates the high calorie content of alcoholic beverages and uses candy as an example of calorie equivalents. Set of two, 11" x 17" Laminated Appropriate for adults.
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Explore the benefits of eating fruit and vegetables with the Why Eat Fruits and Veggies Handouts. These colorful, information-filled tear-off tablet sheets explain the importance of eating fruits and vegetables, common serving sizes, daily requirements, and offers great suggestions for...
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Bag the junk and discover what’s the problem with junk food with the information found on the Junk Food Facts Handouts. Junk foods are made from ingredients that your body doesn’t need or only needs in small amounts including fat,...
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The Energy Balance Snacks Poster presents an easy to understand visual of balancing food choices with physical activity to maintain a healthy weight. Compares different calorie levels in a variety of snacks to the amount of time walking needed to...
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Discover ways to reduce sodium intake without sacrificing flavor with the "Shake the Salt Habit Handouts". This easy to read handout includes information about where sodium comes from, common high sodium foods, how to decipher sodium labeling terms on food...
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  Discover the many roles and functions water plays within the human body with the Water: The Foundation of a Healthy Body poster. This full-color, eye-catching poster highlights water’s role in the body by pointing out the location and the benefit...
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Discover the many roles and functions water plays within the human body with the Water: The Foundation of a Healthy Body handouts. These full-color, eye-catching handouts highlight water’s role in the body by pointing out the location and the benefit...
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Miniature skeleton offers a unique hands-on learning experience for young scientists and curious kids who want to learn the locations and shapes of the bones of the body. Special features include: Movable jaw on springs Skull whose calvarium opens for...
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The healthiest beverages are rich in nutrients and low in sugar and calories. The Think Your Drink Poster uses information found on a nutrition label to help you compare the nutrients, sugar, and calories in milk, soda, and juice to...
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Help fight the childhood obesity epidemic with these colorful and informational handouts. They depict portions usually served and what the appropriate portion should be. Includes pictures of common objects that represent recommended portion sizes. Full color. Appropriate for ages 6-12....
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Spanish Translation How much sugar is in your favorite drink? The Sugar Shockers® Spanish Poster features a variety of popular beverages including milk, juices, sports drinks, energy drink, and sodas shown side by side with their equivalent number of sugar...
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Salt Handouts


It's estimated that nearly 75% of sodium intake comes from eating processed foods. Discover other sources of sodium in our foods, alternative names for salt, and ideas to reduce your sodium intake with the Salt Handouts in Tablets. 8 ½”...
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