Creative Health Products (CHP) is a small, family owned business started in 1976 by Wally and Marlene, when Wally became interested in measuring percentage body fat. Exploration into the science of body fat measurement led Wally, an engineer, to design and create the SlimGuide® Skin Fold Caliper. The SlimGuide® has been widely accepted and used all over the world, with more than 2 million sold since first launching. Creative Health Products has expanded its inventory to all kinds of testing, measurement and evaluation products for health and fitness.
CHP was the first Polar® Heart Rate Monitor distributor/dealer in the US and the first US authorized service center not owned by Polar®. CHP prides itself on knowing Polar products inside and out and still performs thousands of repairs every year.
CHP is also an expert in skin fold measurement tools. Besides the SlimGuide® , we carry all the validated calipers, and are an authorized service center for Harpenden® and Lange® calipers.
POWERbreathe® chose CHP as its first distributor in the US and is currently the largest distributor.