Respiratory & Lung Function

The Micro Direct Spiro√ home spirometer (MD01)was specifically designed for situations where low cost, easy to use, accurate spirometry is required. The Spiro√ accurately measures, displays and stores the actual FEV1, FEV6 and the percent of Personal Best FEV1.  The...
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Micro Spirometer


The Micro is a full-function, low-cost hand-held spirometer designed for situations where low-cost, precision spirometry measurements are required. Features include color touch screen display, 8 out of 48 parameters available displayed with % predicted, diagnostic interpretation, post-bronchodilator comparison, meets ATS/ERS...
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Spiro√ Spirometer (MD02) is a simple and easy-to-use solution for COPD in adult smokers. The hand-held Spiro√ spirometer measures and displays a patient’s FEV1, FEV1% predicted and a “Lung Age” estimation. Lung Age can be used to show smokers the...
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