USDA MyPlate Handouts


MyPlate is the USDA food symbol that replaced the food guide pyramid that teachers and nutritionists are using to promote healthy eating. Our USDA MyPlate Tablet of handouts or worksheets has been a hit with kids and parents. The simplicity of the nutrition graphic is perfect for kids and busy adults.

8 ½” x 11”, 50 sheets, 2-sided

The bright and colorful USDA MyPlate Tablet of handouts (tear-off sheets) highlights how to build a healthy menu and diet with tips for selecting the best choices within each food group. Additional tips include importance of fruits and vegetables, portion control and instilling a love of healthy choices.

USDA MyPlate Poster Learning Objectives:
Based on and the UDSA Dietary Guidelines, our MyPlate handouts and tear-off sheets promote healthy choices and healthy eating habits.

The backside of this handout features ten tips to make a great plate:

• Balance Calories       • Compare sodium in foods
• Enjoy your food but eat less       • Drink water instead of sugary drinks
• Avoid oversized portions       • Make half your plate fruits and vegetables
• Healthy foods to eat more often       • Switch to fat-free or low fat (1 percent) milk
• Unhealthy foods to eat less often        

Popular Uses:
• Classrooms
• Workplace Lunchrooms
• Doctor’s Office
• ECFE (early Childhood Family Education) Classes
• Health Care Clinics

USDA MyPlate Handouts

USDA MyPlate Handouts USDA MyPlate Handouts USDA MyPlate Handouts
USDA MyPlate Handouts USDA MyPlate Handouts USDA MyPlate Handouts

USDA MyPlate Handouts

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MyPlate is the USDA food symbol that replaced the food guide pyramid that teachers and nutritionists are using to promote healthy eating. Our USDA MyPlate Tablet of handouts or worksheets has been a hit with kids and parents. The simplicity of the nutrition graphic is perfect for kids and busy adults.

8 ½” x 11”, 50 sheets, 2-sided

The bright and colorful USDA MyPlate Tablet of handouts (tear-off sheets) highlights how to build a healthy menu and diet with tips for selecting the best choices within each food group. Additional tips include importance of fruits and vegetables, portion control and instilling a love of healthy choices.

USDA MyPlate Poster Learning Objectives:
Based on and the UDSA Dietary Guidelines, our MyPlate handouts and tear-off sheets promote healthy choices and healthy eating habits.

The backside of this handout features ten tips to make a great plate:

• Balance Calories       • Compare sodium in foods
• Enjoy your food but eat less       • Drink water instead of sugary drinks
• Avoid oversized portions       • Make half your plate fruits and vegetables
• Healthy foods to eat more often       • Switch to fat-free or low fat (1 percent) milk
• Unhealthy foods to eat less often        

Popular Uses:
• Classrooms
• Workplace Lunchrooms
• Doctor’s Office
• ECFE (early Childhood Family Education) Classes
• Health Care Clinics